Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Too Much TV

Did anyone besides me and divaquest watch that who wants to be a supermodel show? The chick that got kicked off was told her boobs were too big, and that she needed to learn how to pose differently...I tell you, only in a supermodel show would someone with a 34 B chest, be told her boobs were too big and she needed to lose weight.

Idol is back, and I love Simon. I can't help it. Except when he laughs right at people, that's just not nice. Funny, but not nice.

My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance is big fat funny. That guy is a total crack up and he is having so much fun driving people crazy! Wouldn't it be fun if tomorrow you woke up and someone said "I'll pay you to act as obnoxious as possible and completely piss off everyone you come into contact with". I'd do it in a heartbeat! Can you even imagine having complete freedom from that little voice that judges you all day? Matter of fact, I might do it tomorrow for free.

I miss Paris Hilton. She makes me feel smart.

I caught the last part of Oprah on Monday...she had her trainer on and he was talking about his great 12 week program. You know, if I was Bill Phillips, I'd be pissed that so many people rip off my ideas, but strangely enough, he's so nice that he's just like "wow, that's great that so many people are getting in shape". He must be a much better person than me, because I want to grab him by the neck and shout "open your damn eyes man! that should be your credit that fool is taking!" Anyway, he (oprah's trainer) advises that you should sign a contract with yourself, which to me, sounded a lot like the whole crossing the abyss, writing down your goals thing, so I went to the oprah web site to print out the contract and it was pretty lame. It just says : I pledge to: exercise regularly for a period of 12 weeks, eat healthy food in reasonable portions, and eat to satisfy my nutritional needs, not my emotional. Sorry "O" but if it was that easy, I'd be 125 and drop dead gorgeous. Newsflash: I'm not.