Friday, August 03, 2007

Missouri is sweating. Either that or it finally rained a little bit last night. It’s sort of hard to tell at this point.

I’ve been trying to figure out a way to curb this sleeping problem I’ve been having for the last year or so. I’ve been googling and googling and came up with a lot of info about supplementing with zinc & magnesium. Pretty much everything I read said that most people that supplement with z & m, sleep better. With the possible side effect of “strange and vivid dreams”.

So last night I picked some up on the way home.

Findings? Well, I can’t say I felt like I slept “better”. I still had a difficult time falling asleep and still woke up way too many times. However, I did have one dream that my mother was dead, and another that I had cancer and was taking my kids out for ice cream because it was the last day I was going to be alive. So, if by “strange and vivid” you really mean “horrifying and depressing”…right on!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Ever had one of those days that NOTHING sounded good to eat?

Rare, for me, but all day today I've been dreading meal time. Nothing sounds good. Not even cheating. Not even the pizza my co-workers got for lunch, or the cookies the freight guy brought to thank us for our business. (Neither of which I took part in, thankyouverymuch)

And now, I'm looking at the clock and thinking I should be eating again in the next hour, and I'm not the least bit interested.


Have you ever been standing in the middle of the living room and looked up and noticed a layer of dust on the ceiling fan hanging from the vaulted ceiling, and you think to yourself "I should really go get the ladder and the little extension-pole thingie and get that cleaned up, just seems like such a hassle..."

Yeah. Like that. Only with food.