Saturday, July 31, 2004

off the beaten path

Lately I've been taking the back roads home from work. It's not any faster, in fact it probably takes me 5 or 10 more minutes to my driveway, but I hate to sit in traffic, so I've been avoiding the interstate. Anyway, I've probably taken the back roads for the last 12 trips home from work, and it's kind of nice. Long, winding roads with little or no other cars...corn fields and horse pastures. Farm houses dotting the landscape. It's pretty, and it helps me unwind. by the time I get home I'm relaxed and calm and far far from the stressed out work "me". Last night, as I was driving home, I saw, for the first time, an entire field of blooming sunflowers tucked in between two corn fields and set back a little way from the road. It was so beautiful, I almost turned around to see it again. 12 nights I've driven past it and never seen it, but you can bet I'll be looking forward to seeing it again come monday.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

And since I'm posting's the newest addition...well, besides the puppy that is. Posted by Hello
Did you ever notice that when people talk about God, they just call him God, but when people talk about the devil, it’s always “the” devil? It’s like God is that nice boy you knew in college that held your hair back when you puked and God’s like “hey, you got a little on my shoe, but you said you’re sorry, so let’s just get you home safe and we’ll pretend it never happened”. But the devil’s like that really arrogant and annoying frat boy that talks about himself in the third person. And the devil’s like “hey Todd, The Devil’s goin’ on a beer run…you up?” , and his buddy says “yeah dude, The Todd’s totally up for that.”

I have no idea why I thought about that today. Just the kind of crazy shit my brain comes up with.

So I’m having one of those days when I just don’t feel like doing anything. There’s approximately 754 tons of crap on my desk and it all needs immediate attention and I’m totally not up to it. Nope. Not today. So sorry, try again tomorrow. Today I shuffle some papers around, walk to the kitchen and get a diet coke, complain really loudly to no one in particular that people shouldn’t be allowed to make tuna fish in a small office, walk back to my desk, shuffle some more papers, walk to the bathroom and check to see if the zit on my chin is gone yet, walk to the back and see what the boys in the warehouse are doing, walk back to my desk, look at the clock, and repeat.

This picture is my 2 year old and my puppy. Tell the truth, isn’t that the cutest freaking thing ever? Yeah, I thought so. Please excuse my son’s face. He fell off the bleachers at his brother’s baseball game, and since he inherited all of my coordination and grace, he decided to break the fall with his face.

 Posted by Hello

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Let me start by saying that I'm a nice person.  Yes, I get angry, and yes sometimes I come on here and I spout off my mouth and say mean things, but that's because I know no one's reading.  In person, I'm a nicey-nice never say a bad thing, always try to help, be the bigger person kind of gal.  Mostly because I have the softest feelings of anyone I've ever met ever, and I am super duper sensitive.  Don't tell anyone.  Anyway, I got up this morning and checked the mailbox and in it was a typed letter from a neighbor (no, not signed) that said "maybe you hoosiers (in missouri that's like calling someone white trash, and not intended to mean someone from Indiana) could find a way to park all your g.damn (he said the real word) cars blocking the sidewalk so no one can get through"    Yeah.  Isn't that mean?  I parked my truck on my driveway, and the back was partially blocking the sidewalk, and this is what I get.  I cried all the way to work.

My step-grandpa had an artery in his stomach burst last night and is in the ICU, and I had a customer just come in and tell me he'd take the cheap brand cuz he has terminal cancer and doesn't know how long he'll be around to use it.  So I guess everything's relative.

I did a new kind of squat last night, that I've never done before...I still can't use weight per doctor's instructions, so they were to exhaustion, but you stand with your legs really wide and your toes pointing out and you do kind of a plie squat but as you're doing it you use your hands to push your knees apart and stretch your groin.  Ouch is all I have to say about that.

My sister read somewhere that if you have "d" cup boobs, they can weigh up to 8 pounds.  so now I feel better because Monday I weighed 9 pounds lighter than Tuesday.  Must be the boobs.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Okay, so I took divaquest's challange, and all I can say is CRAP.

I have good intentions, really I do, it's my follow through that needs help. I've been reading about the people that have lost 4 or 5 lbs and it's killing me. I am not having the same amount of success, and yes, I know that everyone is different, and I know that I have not been perfect. But it still bums me out just a tad. And I also know not to be so concerned with the scale, but it's a nasty obsession I just can't kick.

But, on the bright eating has been stellar. No cheats at all (did take a free day on Sunday). My workouts have been good...missed two cardio days--one last week when I was dog tired and had a headache, and one last night because I was at my son's baseball game and the heat index was 115 and by the time I got home I just wanted to sit in a bucket of ice. I sweat as much as I do during a good cardio workout, only without the workout. Drinking my water? Does diet coke count?

ah well, today's another day...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I cleaned my office yesterday...the number of dead flies between my desk and the window is both disturbing and impressive.

The thing about breastfeeding is, if you forget to take your pump to work, your boobs try to take over your body. It's not bad enough that every 2 hours I felt my milk start to "let down" so I had to pinch my nipples to make sure it didn't squirt out all over the place, but then by five, they were so full there was no stopping them, so I drove home with my shirt growing progressively more and more wet until the two big bullseyes over my boobs finally met in the middle and overtook the whole shirt. Thank God I didn't get pulled over.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Listening to new puppy bark is as bad as hearing the new baby cry...2 minutes seems like an hour and 1/2. Trust me. I know these things.

New puppy does not LIKE new puppy's kennel. And yes I know she'd be much quieter and happier in my bed snuggled with me, but frankly I'm not a big fan of pee on my bed, so I suffer through the bark bark bark bark freaking bark, all night long. Or maybe not, since using the mathmatical equation above it could really only be 10.6 minutes, but I'm pretty sure it's all night.

So I got my jeans out of the dryer this morning and they were feeling a touch *ahem* snug, so I was doing some deep knee bends to stretch them out a little (oh, like you’ve never done that) and the seam on the inner thigh RIPPED open. Now, to be fair, they are really old jeans and my thighs always rub together, so in the offending seam’s defense, the fabric there may have been just a touch more delicate than originally intended by said offending jean’s manufacturer. Totally not acceptable. And no, I haven’t yet lost all my baby weight, thank you for asking, which brings me to my problem…these happen to be the only jeans I have that I can fit my *ahem* ample figure into at this current time. The only other clothes I can squeeze into are sweat pants which as we all know are totally inappropriate work wear. What’s a girl to do???

Keeping my legs clamped shut so no one can see my fat peaking out is a good inner thigh workout.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

For a minute there I had forgotten how fun it is to have a new puppy, what with all the yelping and barking and whining and 2 a.m. potty breaks and such.