Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Okay, so I took divaquest's challange, and all I can say is CRAP.

I have good intentions, really I do, it's my follow through that needs help. I've been reading about the people that have lost 4 or 5 lbs and it's killing me. I am not having the same amount of success, and yes, I know that everyone is different, and I know that I have not been perfect. But it still bums me out just a tad. And I also know not to be so concerned with the scale, but it's a nasty obsession I just can't kick.

But, on the bright eating has been stellar. No cheats at all (did take a free day on Sunday). My workouts have been good...missed two cardio days--one last week when I was dog tired and had a headache, and one last night because I was at my son's baseball game and the heat index was 115 and by the time I got home I just wanted to sit in a bucket of ice. I sweat as much as I do during a good cardio workout, only without the workout. Drinking my water? Does diet coke count?

ah well, today's another day...