Wednesday, September 29, 2004

This morning, hubby and I had our physicals for our new life insurance policy. I’m switching life insurance, because the old company I worked with made me mad, and yes, I am immature enough to switch companies just because my panties are in a bunch. The old company had my life, house and car policies…and got a ton of my money each year. One time, I paid two car policies at the same time, and while the exact total should have been like $190.98, I rounded up and paid them $191. Well, even though I put the payment slips into the envelope, they couldn’t seem to figure out that I was paying both policies, with an extra $.02 to apply somewhere. Hell, they could have even kept the 2 pennies and had a party, for all I cared, but since they weren’t smart enough to do that, they applied the whole amount to one of the cars, and let the other one lapse without ever contacting me. Smart. So, long story short, I was mad, and switched companies.

Anyway…last night, all of the sudden, my hubby started feeling really sick…he started sweating really bad and got nauseous, and he said he felt like his heart was beating really hard and really fast…and all I could think was “I’m pretty sure that if he has a heart attack tonight, they’re not going to give us our policy”.

Fast forward to the middle of the night…I heard something in the kitchen, so I woke him up and said “someone just took the lid off the peanut butter jar”. Because obviously my mouth has a mind of it’s own at 2:30 in the morning, and what that really meant was “I think one of the kids is sleepwalking and is in the kitchen…go check”. He, being equally coherent at that time of the morning said “but the bubbles are in the cabinet”. What? Okay, so the noise kept going, and I had woken up a little more by then, so I said “I think the dog got out of her kennel.” To which he angrily replied “I put the cat in the mailbox this morning”. So I kicked him, and he woke up and said “what? Was I snoring?” and I said “the dog is loose in the house and is drinking out of the toilet”. He said “no, that’s the cat”, and I said “I’m pretty sure that’s not the cat”. And I was right…the puppy got out of her kennel and was running through the house, drinking out of toilets. But she didn’t eat the peanut butter so that was good.

And then I had a dream that I was Madonna’s nanny and housekeeper, and I had to keep going to all these stores with her to find clothes for her daughter, and she had horrible taste and me and the kid hated all the clothes she picked out.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Well, the large, purple harness turned out to be the right size after all...I put her in it this weekend, to get her used to it, and it didn't seem to bother her at all. No frantic scratching or twirling in circles trying to get it off. Of course, she's very fast, and a little bit slippery, so it took me about 45 minutes and 73 treats before I got it fitted, over her head, leg through the hole, strap around her belly, and snapped.

My kids immediately wanted to put her on a leash, so I said sure, just don't pull on her or she'll get nervous. They went to the front yard and in 12 seconds she'd turned herself completely inside out and escaped the harness. Then she merrily ran zig-zags up and down the sidewalk with her tongue out the side of her mouth singing "catch me if you can"

I may have to try the pinch collar. It's the only thing I've ever used that a boxer couldn't slip it's head out of.

On the bright side, I finally got my act together and MADE IT TO THE GYM on lunch break today...and guess what? The building is still standing, no major emergencies occured, and everyone is just swell. Did I mention that I tend to worry too much?

Friday, September 24, 2004

I spent lunch at the petstore AGAIN today.

today it was in search of a harness for my collar-hating new boxer. She doesn't just hate the collar. She HATES the collar. You put it on her and she sits and scratches and scratches and scratches, and then pretty soon she's got a big lump on her neck from all the scratching, which she scratches until she looks deformed. Or like she's got a bad case of lymphoma. Neither of which is good. The first time she did it, my other boxer had just died of lymphoma, and me, thinking the worst, burst into tears...she's only 3 months old! She can't have it already! It wasn't lymphoma, it was all the damn scratching.

So, being the ever responsible parent, she hasn't had a collar on in two months. I thought I'd try a harness instead, with the added benefit of keeping her from strangling herself or popping off the leash and running away. She's fast.

So today, I went in search of a harness, because this dog has got to learn how to walk on a leash yesterday, or I will never get to run with her, which I don't REALLY want to do, but I also don't really want my ass to look like this, so what can I do. Here's where the smart part comes in. Last night I told myself "oh yeah, don't forget to measure her chest"

Did I do it?

You would think so, but no. So I stood there in the petstore going "well she's about this big...does that help?"

I wanted to get a medium because it came in pink, but I went with a large purple one in the hopes that if it is too big, I can just rubberband it shorter. Because, you know, I probably won't be back to the petstore till like Sunday, and I can't wait and just buy it then when I know her size...

I want it NOW, Mommy!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

My sister taught me how to drive a stick-shift. I was 16 at the time, and she had a little red escort, and I'm pretty sure we were driving back from seeing her horse. I remember sitting at a red light, and the corner of Adams and Tienken, where there's just the smallest hint of a hill. I was so worried that I was going to roll backwards and smash her car. I was so worried that I was going to lurch forward and stall. I was so worried that I was going to let her down.

It was the first time, that I can remember, that I felt like someone believed I could do something new. That I was capeable of being more than I already was. It was a strange feeling for me...the girl that had come to terms with the fact that she was nothing. Growing up I was never as "smart" or "thin" or "pretty"as my sister. I was never as "good looking" or "talanted" or "funny" as my brother. I was an afterthought. I was an inconvienence. I always kind of felt like a foreign exchange student living with a family that tried their best to tolerate me, but never really gave a shit if I was there or not.

My sister was not my friend. She hated me. She admits it freely now that she did. She wanted to be an only child and I ruined that. But she was only a little girl trying to stay on the right side of the family, so I don't hold it against her. My brother was not my friend. But that was probably me, already convinced I didn't deserve kindness, that pulled away from him. He doesn't hold it against me.

But that day...She had gone away to college and we had suddenly gained a brand new relationship. Removed from eachother, we cautiously reached out and touched hands. And we began to like the person at the other end. She took me out to the barn that day, and on the way home, she asked if I'd like to drive. I said no...I couldn't drive a stick, which in my mind meant that I never would...I never could. But she insisted, and there I was, behind the wheel praying "God, please don't let me stall". I stalled, and mentally ducked my head waiting for the insults to start flying. They never came. She said "take a deep breath, push in the clutch, start it again, and this time remember to give it a little more gas". That was it. No name calling, no exasperated sigh, no dissertation on all the ways I had failed. She just gave me permission to try again.

I had no idea how to take that.

But I did it. I drove a stick. I still, when I can, drive a stick. It makes me feel powerful, and capeable, and loveable. Silly, but true.

Today my sister and brother and I are the best of friends, and I am so grateful to have them in my life. And when my life seems out of control and I start to think that I will never be happy again, I just take a deep breath, push in the clutch, start it again, and give it a little more gas.

Thank you sissy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Just so you know, string cheese tastes way better when you remember to take it out of your cooler bag and put it in the fridge because you didn't put any ice in your cooler bag because you have a fridge sitting right there in your office. Instead I left it in the bag, right next to the apple that would probably taste better cold too.

No, I did not eat the apple, I had a Fast Break instead. Thanks for asking.
I finally found time to get my hair chopped last night...she took off 5 inches and I still have enough to pull back into a ponytail...I guess I let it get a little longer than I thought. It feels SOOO much better now...healthy and less frizzy.

My new MRP was delivered to my house today. Of course, I'm at work, which means I have to wait to open it till I get home tonight. :( I'm like a kid at Christmas...if I know there's something on the way, I can't WAIT to open it. I know. Excited about an MRP? Insane. But it's a BOX people. One that came in the mail and is addressed to me! Very exciting stuff!

I talked to a girlfriend of mine today that I haven't talked to in 4 months and haven't seen in over a year. I thought she had written me off or something, but as it turns out, she's in a bad place (marriage) and is so so sad. It's horrible. She's probably the nicest person in the whole world and I hate to hear that she's so sad. No Fair. I want to make it all better, but there's really nothing I can do, you know? I mean I can listen and "be there", but when you get to that bad place, the only one that can change anything is you...and that's a really hard thing to do. She said she's lost 30 pounds, which is great, but she lost it on the "hey I'm so stressed out that if I try to eat anything I'm going to puke, so I guess I'll just sit here and chew off my fingernails" diet, which is no good. She wants to start BFL again, but just can't get motivated. Been there. Oh wait, that's where I am now. Not for the exact same reasons, but they're not entirely unrelated.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Oh bloody hell.

I made a huge mistake in my checkbook and now I'm screwed. There is nothing that makes me feel more stupid then bouncing checks.

I tried the "banana blitz" and the "vanilla nut pudding" recipes from my new ediets EFL menu and I just gotta say


So yummy...

Monday, September 20, 2004

I went to office depot this weekend to get a new lead for my printer, as my friend R would say, and they were having a big clearance sale on all back to school stuff. I got a purple backpack with flowers and butterflies on it for $2.50, and three notebooks for $1.00 that are called "banana paper"...recycled bananas! How cool is that. I figured that it was someones way of telling me that maybe I should start keeping a food journal again, because how totally appropriate is it to keep a food journal on food paper? Totally.

I found a picture of Vin on the internet and now it's my wallpaper on my computer.

I heart him.

Yes, I am twelve, thanks for asking.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

positive changes

Things I've done this week that are good for me

1. Did squats for the first time (with weight) since having the baby
2. Joined ediets, edited my whole first week, printed out all meals, recipes, and shopping lists
3. Told my husband it was time for counseling

Yeah me!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

for all you useless trivia junkies...

I know I haven't posted much lately, but I've been boring. Not bored, boring. Just been in a funk when I'd rather read about what all my online "friends" have been doing then write about my same old same old days of late. promised....useless trivia alert...

the phrase "ok" is actually derived from an old slang spelling of "all correct", which became "oll korrect", which was then shortened to "OK"

there. now you can go amaze your friends and co-workers.

Have a good day, AC?

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


That's all I have to say to Erin from DF company that keeps calling me and making me DO MY JOB.

I'm procrastinating as fast as I can here, folks.

How can I really be expected to work when Olivia Newton and John Travolta are screeching "you're the one that I want" from the work radio permanently set to ez-rock?

Makes me want to wear a leather jacket and clog shoes under which I can put out my cig...oh, and get a perm, and go to the fun-house.