Monday, January 30, 2006

On Friday I flew into Michigan and spent most of the day at the corporate headquarters of the company I work for.

I haven't been there in a long time...a really long time. And, I think the last time I was there, I was fully and quite obviously knocked up.

Still, exactly how many people can exclaim "you look SO thin!" before you start to think to yourself "why didn't anyone tell me I was a huge lard-ass?"

answer? approximately 18.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

This just in: Zicam Nose Spray makes me sneeze. A lot.

That is all.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I seriously cannot stop eating this fucking trail mix. good thing I have like 14 more pounds waiting for me at home.

And seriously? Otter made me pee in my pants just a little. Crop circles and #9 on the top ten funny.
People make things harder then they need to be.

I found the dog a great home...this guy just had to have his french bull put down after 12 years, and has been SO lonely without him...met the dog and in 2 seconds was telling her "come here so daddy can take a look at you"...absolutely fell in love.

So, I called the adoption agency, and he wants me to arrange a time that the guy can come to his office (50 minute drive) to fill out the paperwork. Ok. No. There's got to be a different way. I mean this guy is recovering from a bout of gout (look at me! I'm a poet!), and, frankly, making an appointment an hour away to fill out paperwork is not going to happen. I offered to take the paperwork out to him and then return it to the agency on the weekend when they're here for an event, but the adoption guy is being a jerk about it. Doesn't he want his dogs to go to a good home? You can drive out here to the petstore every weekend, and beg people to take your dogs but then when someone wants one on a Thursday you make him jump through hoops? Oy.

Monday, January 16, 2006


It's written on my forehead in big black bold indelible ink. I ran into the lady I used to foster dogs for and, of course, they're short foster parents, and, of course, she talked me into keeping a dog until she could find a home. But, damn. She's so flippin' cute!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Is there a particular reason that nine year olds argue about EVERYTHING? It's fucking exhausing.

You know, normal people, when told they'd better hurry up or they'd miss something (say, oh, the bus) would shut up and put on their damn shoes. Nine year olds? They find that a perfectly reasonable time to throw themselves into a frenzy..."I'll never make it in time, you'll be mad at me, I'm gonna get in trouble, I'll be grounded for a year, it's all my sister's fault, she touched my toothbrush, someone messed with my jacket..." in one of those horrible tight whiney voices...

And I woke up this morining thinking it was going to be a good day.

Friday, January 06, 2006

I've watched this 8 times so far this morning. and I'm not done yet.
Last night I killed a bird.

I was driving along, minding my own business, 1/2 way through my drive home, and I saw something out the front window. I had enough time to think "what the he..." and BAM it ran right into my windshield. Of course I freaked out, crouched down with my eyes shut and had a little panic attack, because, obviously, I'd completely forgotten about the large piece of glass that would actually keep the bird from hitting me in the head.

It took 10 minutes for my heart beat to return to normal.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

You know what they call it when you stand at my front counter and bitch about how our catalog is old and that we don't have a new one out yet and then you give me your credit card to pay for your stuff and the card is declined?

Karma, bitch.
here's a fun little quiz for you...

Q: How stupid does a person have to be to pick up the phone, accidentally let it slip out of their hand, manage to grab it by the cord, swinging it madly in some sort of twitching over-correction which then bonks them in the side of the face right on the eye socket, hard enough to give them a black eye?

A: About as stupid as me.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Just returning from 7 days in Michigan with my family, so my house is trashed with leftover Christmas wrapping and toys galore and now unpacked clothes and snow pants and sleds, and I was just so happy to be home that I left it all and went to bed. Of course, working today, and hockey game tonight, so it may stay a wreck until I get off work tomorrow. At which time I WILL be going to kickboxing, as I haven't been there in two weeks and will miss all of next week as my hub goes to Florida for a seminar.

I think I left Michigan at least 2 pounds heavier then when I arrived, though with all the sodium and none of the water and all of the cookies and cakes and pie and lasagna and more cookies, it feels more like 10. Then today was my day to get back on track, only I remembered that it was the company holiday eat-fest, so, yeah, not so good yet today either. I'm going to attempt to treadmill it tonight, as I've gotten much less brave about running late at night, but we won't return from the hockey game till 10, so I may have to hit it before the game, which means right after work, which is never a good plan with all the kids and the dogs (well, dog, as my other dog had to be put down the week before Christmas) and the kids and the cooking of dinner, and the kids. I was going to hit the gym at lunch, because with all my complaining about how I'm wasting the money and have to cancel the membership and put more into my little collection in the basement, I've yet to actually cancel the membership. But, eat-fest was in full swing and we're a small group and my absence would have been noticed and everyone would call me a scrooge and there's nothing I obsess over more then what people think of me. I know, I know, I'm working on it. Like everything else in my life, it's a work in progress.

So now I've got 3 hours and a little more of work left, and still need to work out and go to Costco and cook dinner and scrape the algae off the fish tank and be done and at the hockey rink at 7:45. Maybe I'll get lucky and the baby will take a late nap and hub can take the boy to hockey instead of it being a family affair. Though then all the hockey mom's will talk about how I'm a terrible mother for missing my son's game. But sometimes you just can't win for losing, you know?