Thursday, August 26, 2004

Bisous and Amazon

I love Amazon. If I could, I would marry Amazon, and we would have several reasonably priced children in every available size and color. Last night, when I got home from work, waiting there on the porch was yet another package from my amazonian true love. You see, Amazon is thoughtful that way. Every time I visit, a few days later I find this wonderful surprise on my porch. It's like magic. But in the cool magic kind of way, not the scare the crap out of you magic, like curses and hexes and things of that nature. Last night, I ripped open the box and found the wonderfulest of all wonderful wonders...the DDR2Max and dance pad! Bisous put me on to this in her recent postings on Diva's message board and she's right. It rocks. I have never laughed so hard or looked so foolish as I did last night. Oh God, I HOPE I've never looked that foolish, cuz I gotta say I looked pretty damn foolish. I do believe it will take a couple of days before I figure the whole thing out, but I was doing cardio that was fun, and you just don't find that every day of the week, you know what I'm saying? We're giving ourselves a month to practice, and then we're having a dance and two of my kids...If they win, I have to clean both their rooms, organize them, and sort through all their toys and clothes, etc....and if I win, they have to wash my truck, inside and out. I will practice night and day if I have to...I WILL NOT LOSE TO A 7 YEAR OLD!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Pure sin in a little plastic tube

Oh the humanity. Just when I thought I was doing so well with staying away from the sweets, this morning when I stopped at the local gas station to get my first diet coke of the day, I found the most wonderful, terrible treat....candy coated, chocolate covered, sunflower seeds. Sweet and salt and oh so yummy.

I have a new friend at Fusion Labs. His website looks like it's just a cover for the more *ahem* scientific side of body building, but he gets all the protein powders and mrp's and stuff too, and he wrote me this great long email rating all the newest pro powders on taste and quality. Mostly because I was asking if he's ever tried Fruity Whey, because I didn't want to buy it if it tasted like crap. It was really sweet of him to reply and give me the heads up on other, better tasting options. Of course, I'll have to sample some stuff for myself, since I never believe anyone when it comes to mrp's and protein...there's nothing worse then buying a 6# tub because someone else likes it and then you get it and it tastes like a combination of dirt and ground up multi-vitamens.

I played tennis with my son, and I have to say that playing with a hyper 7 year old is pretty darn close to HIIT. His accuracy leaves a little to be desired, so I spent 1 and 1/2 hours running back and forth over three different courts trying to return his volley. More fun then a treadmill, and a little time out in the fresh air that's so horribly lacking at my 8-5 daily grind. Gotta love it.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Best Laid Plans

Oy. I've been "planning" on eating right and working out for the last 4 days.

Monday I was all hyped up because I worked out and felt great, and was determined to stick with it. Of course everytime that happens, there are suddenly obstacles jumping out from everywhere that conspire to keep me from following through. One of these days I'm just going to have to find a way to make myself number one. One of these days I'll find the strength to say "no" to the people that insist I do things their way and on their schedule. One of these days I'll decide that my health and happiness is worth the little trouble packing my meals beforehand entails. One of these days I'll manage to get all 6 meals in, instead of binging on junk food at night because I'm starving from forgetting to eat all day. One of these days I'll drink a glass of water instead of diet coke. One of these days I'll take a few extra minutes at lunch to go to the gym. One of these days I'll learn to fly.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

note to self:

When one wears the same jeans that have previously split at the seam on the inner thigh, after one quickly throws a few stitches in the seam by hand, and the said stitches pop at work when squatting down to lift a box, one should not try to staple the seam back together while in the ladies room because 1. you look like a total ass when someone walks in, and 2. the staples will not hold and then will poke you in your thigh fat.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


36 pounds yet to lose (in clothes with shoes on)
Breakfast: reese’s peanut butter sticks (4); diet coke; handful of chex mix (cheddar flavor)

And I wonder why I’m fat.

Went to Jazzercize Monday night for the first time ever. I was happy to see there was nary a leg-warmer in sight. “kick-ball-change…WHOOO” It was actually fun. No, really, it was. Will I go back? I’d say no. Not because it wasn’t a good cardio workout, on the contrary, I was huffing and puffing, but because it’s pretty pricey. $7.00 a class seems like a lot to me. I could pay $85 for two months, but for someone who works full time and has four kids, I’d be LUCKY to make it to 2 classes a week, and, frankly, I don’t have $85 to spare right now. I did a walk through at the local Bally’s yesterday at lunch…they’ve been trying to get me to come back, since years and years ago when I had more money than brains I bought a membership that I never ever, not even once, used. Once it was finally paid off, I cancelled it, because I had never, ever, not even once used it, and by then I was a little smarter and a little poorer and didn’t feel like throwing the annual fee right out the window anymore. But now, I’m a whole lot smarter (I like to think), and a whole lot poorer, and a whole lot sick of not fitting into anything cute and fun. The current offer is to come back for $8 a month, and I figure, you just can’t beat that. If I get to the gym twice a week, that’s a dollar a visit, and I’m sure I can find somewhere to cut that dollar from my budget elsewhere…say, from the reese’s peanut butter sticks, for example.

They’ve upgraded their facility and it has a lap pool (like I’ll EVER be seen in a bathing suit in my current condition), a running track, a bunch of machines, and a separate free weight room. Plus an aerobics room which, disturbingly enough, is composed of ALL mirrored walls. I shudder at the thought.

So that’s what I’m doing. My mind is made up. Oh, and if I don’t go to the gym twice a week, somebody slap me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

okay. first, divaquest needs to get the hell out of my brain. Not only did she re-live the horror of the split seam on the favorite jeans, as detailed in my july 2nd blog entry, but now I find out that she also quotes her fellow bloggers, refering to them as "this girl I know" or "this friend of mine". I swear I thought I was the only one that did that. I've always felt like I was a little bit twisted, having to know what was going on in the lives of complete strangers and then talking about them like they're my long lost pals from elementary school. Glad to know I'm not alone.

It's actually a little sad that I have more blog "friends" then actual flesh and blood ones. I guess I get so busy with work and kids and husband and pets and stupid responsibilities that it's easier for me to maintain my imaginary "relationships" online then actually be accountable in person. A part of me knows that these people with the blogs I obsessively read aren't going to get mad at me if I'm a no-show today or even this week. If I feel like hiding in the house and not talking to anyone, they don't even know I'm gone, and they're always happy to fill me in on what I missed when I return. I can show up to chat in my sweats and bare feet and they don't call me a hoosier. I can catch up on the day's adventures during the commercials of my favorite shows and they don't yell at me to pay attention to what they're saying. I can fart right in front of them and not be embarrased. It's a beautiful thing.