Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Pure sin in a little plastic tube

Oh the humanity. Just when I thought I was doing so well with staying away from the sweets, this morning when I stopped at the local gas station to get my first diet coke of the day, I found the most wonderful, terrible treat....candy coated, chocolate covered, sunflower seeds. Sweet and salt and oh so yummy.

I have a new friend at Fusion Labs. His website looks like it's just a cover for the more *ahem* scientific side of body building, but he gets all the protein powders and mrp's and stuff too, and he wrote me this great long email rating all the newest pro powders on taste and quality. Mostly because I was asking if he's ever tried Fruity Whey, because I didn't want to buy it if it tasted like crap. It was really sweet of him to reply and give me the heads up on other, better tasting options. Of course, I'll have to sample some stuff for myself, since I never believe anyone when it comes to mrp's and protein...there's nothing worse then buying a 6# tub because someone else likes it and then you get it and it tastes like a combination of dirt and ground up multi-vitamens.

I played tennis with my son, and I have to say that playing with a hyper 7 year old is pretty darn close to HIIT. His accuracy leaves a little to be desired, so I spent 1 and 1/2 hours running back and forth over three different courts trying to return his volley. More fun then a treadmill, and a little time out in the fresh air that's so horribly lacking at my 8-5 daily grind. Gotta love it.