Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Isn't it amazing how one little thing can brighten your whole dreary outlook? I was all set to have a horrible terrible no good very bad day this morning...I woke up late, didn't feel like going to work, and was feeling sorry for myself that I am neither own a TiVo nor a functional VCR and was thus destined to miss Bill Phillips appearing on the Wayne Brady show, and then, to top it all off, I had to meet plumber #2 at the house during my lunch break. Then, for some strange reason, the money gods decided to smile on me (a never-before-seen phenom.), and suddenly the nice folks at the home warranty company decided to cover the plumbing problems at the house and now I only have to pay $50 instead of $1800. Of course this means some terrible fate is lurking just around the corner, but hell, you've just gotta love it when your insurance actually works FOR you instead of against. So, I will dance the happy dance and count my blessings, and just hope that when retribution strikes it is swift and painless.