My daughter looks like shit.
Over the last two weeks or so, I've been noticing that she looked pale, with red-rimmed eyes. At first, I thought, well, here we go. Here comes strep-throat, or an ear infection, or a sinus never came.
Each day she's gotten a little paler, and she's developed big black circles under her eyes.
I took her to the doctor today, and he agrees with me. She does not look good. He took some blood and said we'll hope its anemia, but we'll check for everything else. Me, being the anxious wreck that I am, of course knows that "everything else" means leukemia or neuroblasphoma, or something equally as horrible that I would just prefer my five year old doesn't have, thank you very much.
So now I wait. And try to pretend to be productive at work. But mostly I just watch the clock and wonder if it's too early to call and see if the results are in. I don't want to be a pest, but this is my daughter. My light. My laughter. My heart.