Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Let me preface by saying that I really do love my new boxer. Really. I do. But I'm two minutes away from hanging her up by her cute little doggy toenails. She just refuses to be housetrained and it's driving me crazy. She is so sweet and so cute and if she pees on my carpet one more time I'm going to have a melt down.

I mean, I know she's smart, because she figured out how to ring the bell to go outside, which she does 85% of the time. But, the other (let's see...100% - 85%), yeah, 15% of the time she either sneaks downstairs to the basement and goes there, or she runs upstairs and does it in the hallway. Oh, and yesterday she had just come in from outside and we were playing in the kitchen, and then she walked around to the other side of the island where I couldn't see her and peed there. I'm losing my mind. This morning, she was obviously tired because she didn't feel like going all the way up the stairs, and instead peed on the fourth from the bottom. And husband has even less patience then me and is pissed. Excuse the pun.

Also, she still "occasionally" pees in her kennel. She won't do it for 2 weeks, and then all of the sudden she'll do it. Last time, I took out her pillow, cleaned the kennel, laid down a towel, and put her in it. In the middle of the night she started barking, so I went to see if she needed to go outside...nope. She'd peed on the towel and wanted me to come remove the wet one.

Someone out there has got to have a tip for me...the poor, tired of cleaning up pee, owner of a dog that refuses to adhere to the house rules.....