Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Seen coming out of Walgreens last night...parked in the front row just outside the door was a huge van. In the driver's seat was a woman. A large woman. Our eyes met and I thought it was strange that she had the look of a deer caught in the headlights...sort of trapped and caught off guard. She looked away, and then I saw that she was holding a 3/4 full cake pan, eating with her hands. And I knew. I knew she thought I was judging her, mocking her, making assumptions about her life, her size, her choices. But really, it just made me a little sad. I wanted to knock on the window and maybe give her a hug, and tell her that she was okay. I remember that feeling. I remember hiding in closets and eating everything I managed to sneak from the pantry. I remember taking boxes of cake mix, and a cup full of water, mixing, and eating and eating and eating, and how ashamed I was that I was stealing food from my own house to escape the critical lecture I was faced with any time I ate more than she thought I should. And how you feel like stuffing yourself, or binging like that will make you happy, but all it does is make you feel like shit. Physically, mentally, emotionally...just shit. So I'm sorry I made eye-contact, I'm sorry the lights in the parking lot were so bright, because it's not bad enough to be doing it to yourself, it's even worse when someone catches you.