Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Earlier this spring, when I was spending all of my time and all of my money on flowers and peat moss, I ran across a "save the butterflies!" foundation. Now, here's a little trivia for you, apparently the Monarch butterfly's caterpillar can only eat milkweed. Thus, with all the new development and the destroying of the natural habitats and such, this particular foundation makes its money by threatening kind-hearted saps like me, who obviously cannot be trusted with a checkbook, that if we don't act now, soon the poor little Monarch will perish. So, being who I am, I sent them a small donation in exchange for a "I love butterflies!" sticker that I gave to my daughter, and three of the tiniest little tropical milkweed plants you've ever seen. Seriously. I took one look at them and said to my husband, "well, these should be dead by June". But, joy of joys, apparently they are less "tropical milk" and more "weed", because regardless of my inability to properly read planting instructions indicating rate of growth and size, and also my penchance for digging up and re-planting things 6 or 7 times, they have flourished! Behold!

And here is a terribly fuzzy shot of the little guys happily munching on the leaves as we speak...

And for good measure, my little $5 hibiscus joyfully blooming in the wrong direction (hint: face the house next time little flower, or I will immediately tear you from your home and replant you facing the other direction at which time you will decide to bloom on the backside again. bitch.)