Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is the really not very good picture of the huge snapping turtle that tried to eat my foot. He was much more impressive and scarey in person...just couldn't get a good shot without him attaching himself to me in a very painful and permenantly damaging way.

In other news, The puppy has been so very helpful in the garden. And by helpful, I mean of course, ripping out plants, oh so expensive plants, by the roots and flinging dirt all about. It's spectacular, really. Unless you consider the time and the money and the sweat that's gone into the garden this year, and also the money, and then it's not really all that spectacular after all. So back I go to try and propogate more hibiscus, since that seems to be the only thing I've had any luck propogating, and thinking about what to buy (again) to fill the new, empty spaces. On the plus side, those little paws do a fantastic job of tilling the soil. On the down side, she doesn't till in a neat fashion, and I'll be scooping handfuls of dirt off the grass for weeks. Unless it rains before I get to it. And somehow I've lost my very favorite pair of pruners, so I couldn't even begin the propogating last night and now have to remember to do it tonight after I get out of my microbiology class. In the dark. Sweet. So I had to go out last night and buy another collar for the underground fence to keep her out of the gardens and me out of the loony bin. It only took 3 shocks and now she knows that when the beep is beeping, she'd better turn around. Pretty smart little thing. Now, as long as I remember to put the collar on every morning, most of the garden will be safe. There is one little area that isn't covered, so I may have to dig up part of the wire and run it at a different weekend job!! I also made this really nasty smelling potion that I got out of a "backyard problem solver" book that's supposed to keep dogs from digging. All natural stuff, but boy does it ever smell bad...I can't imagine she'll want to be sticking her nose into it. Seems like a lot of work, I know, but she was quickly teaching the boxer that "hey! digging is fun!" and that is one lesson I'd prefer she didn't know, thank you very much. Oh, and I took apart the toilet and fixed it all by myself and it doesn't leak. Talk about a productive night.