Day one of the PN transformation that I think I've talked myself into doing.
I have until midnight to finish the application, which is good, because I can't find my fing calipers and you need to include skinfold on the application. whatever. but I ordered a new pair from Netrition, so all is good and they should have delivered today, except that in my email was a message from friday saying they haven't shipped yet and now, crap, long lunch to try and find a pair at the local health food store.
also? packed my lunch(es) last night, so I'm totally prepared to eat healthy all day at work. Except that I forgot the cooler in the fridge. and also my breakfast on the counter. I rock.
I'm blaming it on the narcotic pain medication I'm still taking to control the dry socket.
Day one of the PN transformation is tomorrow! Yipee!