Friday, March 09, 2012

Borrowed from "Jack Sh*t"

I'm not sure why I find this so funny. But, in my opinion: Hilarious.

On why my husband should not touch my car...

Ok. First, can we agree on the fact that if the cap on your tire valve stem says N2, than there is NITROGEN, not air, in the tires? That said, if you try to remove said cap, and it doesn’t want to budge, can we agree that getting a wrench and FORCING it off is probably not the best idea? And, that if you do force one off, and it cracks, you should NOT just throw it in the grass because it’s, in your opinion, now deemed “useless”? And, certainly, if we do go that far, we obviously shouldn’t do the EXACT SAME THING to the other three tires, blaming their hesitancy to removal on “corrosion”, and throwing the now broken caps into the grass as well?  And it goes without saying that, should we get this far, we should probably not try and “figure out why it’s corroded” by pulling and twisting on one of the stems, which will, undoubtedly, result in the stem pulling loose from the tire. I don’t know if you know this or not, but that stem? It fills an actual hole in your tire. When you remove said stem? The tire does not remain inflated for very long. Fun Fact.