It's the hair. 16" off, and blonde...I know, it's been throwing everyone off.
Look at us...three years later, and it's just like old times! Those are the best kinds of friends, don't you think?
Three years. Actually, three years, plus a few months. Whoa. That's pretty sad. Although, in my defense, there have been more than several times that I INTENDED to get back over here and write something witty and sassy, yet intelligent and enlightening; it just didn't happen. Also in my defense, I don't really write witty, sassy, intelligent, and enlightening things. So, there's that too.
Sadly, I've spent the last hour or so, looking through some of my older posts and it appears that all those lovely projects I was working so hard to accomplish three years ago, have, since then, come completely undone at the seams. The perils of 4 kids and 2 dogs and not enough hours in the day. Plus lazy to the third power, times the square root of being miserable at your job, divided by living with a teenager, times nursing school, full-time, at night. Squared.
So, yeah, I'm looking at what I actually accomplished back then and comparing it to the mad state of chaos my house is now entrenched in, and it's actually sort of depressing. So thanks for bringing that up.
Also, the shoulder pain I complained about off and on...more serious than I guess I assumed...had surgery in December to repair all sorts of ugly things. Meaning, I haven't worked out since November, so all those lovely workout progress notes, fitness goals, etc, have, like the projects and neatly painted rooms, flown right out the window.
Into a dark, sad abyss.
So here I am, hopefully back, (since I do miss the catharsis this medium provides) a couple sizes bigger, busier than hell, behind on all my deadlines, with a messy house in disrepair, overgrown gardens, an 8 hour clinical to prepare for, a case study to complete, and a test to study for, and a teenager to pick up from military summer school on Friday. Oh, and my work homework. Don't even get me started on that.
But, the point, and I do have one, is that I have goals! and plans! and ideas! And maybe, just maybe, this writing things down so I can't deny they exist thing will help put me on the right track...not that I've been on a wrong track, but it's more that I feel like I've lost the track completely and I've sort of aimlessly been wandering around in a nut-sedge infested field looking for the keys to the car I parked somewhere on the track, long, long ago. So, I've decided, to just say "fuck the keys"...let's hotwire this bitch and get the hell in gear.