I’ve been trying to figure out a way to curb this sleeping problem I’ve been having for the last year or so. I’ve been googling and googling and came up with a lot of info about supplementing with zinc & magnesium. Pretty much everything I read said that most people that supplement with z & m, sleep better. With the possible side effect of “strange and vivid dreams”.
So last night I picked some up on the way home.
Findings? Well, I can’t say I felt like I slept “better”. I still had a difficult time falling asleep and still woke up way too many times. However, I did have one dream that my mother was dead, and another that I had cancer and was taking my kids out for ice cream because it was the last day I was going to be alive. So, if by “strange and vivid” you really mean “horrifying and depressing”…right on!