I know this sounds crazy, but I've actually been busy accomplishing things lately! No, nothing important like curing cancer or manufacturing a calorie free chocolate, but actual THINGS. Like things that have been clogging up my "to-do" list for the last 3 years, or jotted on little sticky notes taped to my fridge, and ones that I thought of in the midst of something else, and then actually remembered to do. Things like finally organizing the garage so that we can fit an actual car in it.
Re-doing the kids table
Dressing my daughter up like a horse
Giving my son a modified mohawk (thicker, not completely bald, he loves it)
trick-or-treating with 2 witches...the big witch
and the small witch...doesn't she look happy?
even more so when I tried to make her wear the hat.
a ghoul type thing
and Captain America...showing his shield
and in the classic crab pose.
so, see? busy. and that's only the things I have pictures of...if you could see the full list, I'm sure you'd be very very impressed, and everyone would want to be me. And then you'd probably feel bad about yourself, and then you'd be unhappy with me for setting such a high standard for stupid accomplishments, and then I'd feel bad for making you feel bad, but a little angry that you were taking it out on me, so let's just not go there.
Oh, and unknown bacteria? E. Coli. AND I figured it out, all on my own. This week...final in lab. Next week, final in lecture. After that I'm on Winter Break!!